Interior Signs And Diagnosis For Roof Leaks

Roof leaks can manifest themselves both outside and inside the home. Knowing what to look for inside the house can help confirm a leak. Below are some signs and diagnostic tips from the house's interior. 


Sunlight can only stream into your house if the roof has gaps or holes to let the light through. Such gaps or holes can mean different forms of roof damage. For example, the openings might mean the roof has missing shingles or damaged decking. Sunlight can also streak into the house through thin roofing materials, even if the damage hasn't caused a hole or crack. 

Dripping Water

Dripping water usually indicates more extensive problems than sunlight streaking through the roof. Dripping water is a serious issue because water can only pass through a gap in roofing materials, but you can see sunlight through thin roofing materials. For example, water can pass through holes around loose nails, holes left by missing nails, and gaps due to missing flashing.

Aging, weather damage, and drainage clogging are common causes of roof leaks. Roof leaks are dangerous because they accelerate material degradation. Constant moisture exposure contributes to corrosion and rot, which weaken the roof. You can only notice dripping water during rainfall, which underscores the benefits of interior roof inspection during rainfalls.

Stained Ceiling and Walls

You might not see dripping water for two main reasons. First, you might not always be at home when it rains. Secondly, tiny leaks do not always cause drips. However, such leaks still cause damage. For example, the leaks can encourage mold growth on the walls and ceiling, discolor the ceiling and wall paint, and cause the ceiling and wall paint to blister. Thus, you should suspect a leak if you notice such signs in your house.

Wet Insulation

You should also suspect a leak if you notice wet insulation in the attic. Only two things can cause wet insulation—excessive humidity and roof leaks. The insulation's moisture level can help you determine which causes are more likely. For example, extensive dampening points to a leak, but you should get a professional roofing contractor to give a diagnosis.

Sagging Decking

Lastly, a sagging decking might mean your roof has been leaking for a long time. Sagging decking usually means compromised structural integrity. For example, a long-term water leak can cause the roof footings, joists, or posts to absorb water, swell, and rot. Once the deterioration weakens the roof structure, the decking will sag due to the weight of the overlying materials.

Contact a local roofer to learn more. 
