If you've been thinking about getting a residential roofing replacement, you might want to schedule the work for spring. Summer and fall are good times of the year to have a new roof put on too, but during the spring temperatures are usually warm but mild.
Plus, you may be doing other home chores like HVAC maintenance, spring cleaning, and power washing your siding, so doing all the major chores at once frees up the rest of your summer. Here's why spring is a good time for a residential roofing replacement.
Longer Days Make More Time For Work
A roof has to be put on during daylight hours. Days can be short during the winter, and that makes it difficult to get a roofing job over with fast. With longer periods of daylight during the spring, your roofer can get more work done each day, so your new roof might be on in just a few days.
The Weather Is Usually Pleasant
Spring weather varies by region, but in many places, spring is warmer than winter but not as intensely hot as summer. This makes for favorable working conditions for the roofing crew, and it also makes for ideal conditions for the roofing materials. Adhesives may not adhere well in freezing weather and heat can be oppressive for the crew in summer weather.
You May Find An Opening Easier
Residential roofing replacements often book up fast during the summer when more people are off work or on vacation. You might find it easier to get a slot with a roofer at a time that's convenient for you during the spring. It may still take a few weeks after you've signed the contract before work begins since the roofer has to order supplies for your roof replacement.
Winter Damage Is Repaired Before Summer Rains
Winter is one of the harder seasons for an asphalt shingle roof. Snow may sit on the roof, ice dams may form, and temperature extremes may damage shingles and roofing supplies.
That means an old roof could have a higher risk of leaking when summer rains and storms roll through. By replacing your roof in the spring, your roof is in excellent shape to protect your home during the summer and beyond.
Scheduling your residential roof replacement for the spring season is often a good idea, but that's only if your roof isn't already leaking. If your roof has damage or is leaking, talk to a roofer about having the work done as soon as possible so water damage doesn't affect your home.