Which Type Of Roofs Are The Most Wind-Resistant?

If you live in an area that has very strong winds, one concern you might have is that the winds might cause damage to your roof. If this is the case, and you will be installing or replacing your roof, a no-money-down roofing service can help you considerably.

How Wind Can Damage Your Roof

Strong winds can tear shingles off your roof even blow your entire roof off. In other cases, strong winds can hurl debris and outdoor furniture onto your roof which causes further damage.

While purchasing wind-resistant shingles might seem like an unnecessary expense, it can be much more expensive to be forced to replace your roof after it has been damaged by strong winds.

Asphalt Shingles

Depending on the type of shingle you choose, the asphalt shingle can handle very strong winds. Architectural asphalt shingles are the best option if you are concerned with protecting your roof from the strongest winds. However, the asphalt roofs will often shed their protective granules and this can lead to the roof becoming damaged.

Metal Roofs

Not only do metal roofs have strong wind resistance but they can last a long time in general. Because the metal installation requires fewer sheets, there are fewer opportunities for wind to pass in-between a gap in the sheet. Copper and aluminum are common materials that are used to create highly durable metal roofs.

Synthetic Wooden Shingles

Wooden shingles are often not durable enough to resist strong winds. However, synthetic cedar shakes look like real wood but are durable enough to survive strong winds. They also do not warp, rot, or crack. 

Slate Shingles

Slate shingles are a bit more pricey but very heavy and durable. This alone can justify the cost if you live in a windy area. These are among the longest-lasting shingles to choose from. However, some homeowners do not like how heavy slate can be. The most wind-resistant roofing material might be synthetic slate. This type of slate looks just as beautiful as traditional slate but also is not as expensive to maintain.

If you are concerned that your roof will not be resistant to strong winds, learn about the wind classification of the roof. The higher the number, the more wind resistant the roof will be.

For more information on different types of roofing materials and what would work best for wind resistance, contact a no-money-down roofer service in your area.
